Foods were reheated or cooked over a fire in an iron pot hang from the hook and it served as a heat source.
Smoke and steam were rising from, respec- tively, a small fire and a battered tin pot that was hanging over it.
As the symbol appeared, green fire hanging above their heads, she swept her arms to either side and held, eyes closing, but it was Arilan who spoke.
Cadsuane led them to one of the inn's private sitting rooms, where a fire blazed on the black stone hearth and silver lamps hung along the red wall panels.
The fire still hung in Nyx's ear.
And the fires of Pele hung in the snout, consumed the tobacco, and slowly froze into position.
The shooters stand in cubicles and fire at paper targets hung from wires running down the range on clothesline pulleys.
Tarim and Kelermish were closing in the space round the fire with felt blankets hung from the ceiling of the pavilion, making a tent within a tent.
An enormous fire glowed on the big hearth, and over it hung a black pot in which the soup for the evening meal was slowly simmering.
The fires glow bright pink, and a faint pall of smoke hangs over the scene.