It is said that any part of Havana is within five minutes of a fire-fighting unit; the equipment is largely new.
Specific for Croatia is also the engagement of 1.000 season fire-fighters and additional fire-fighting units on islands to protect them from wildland fires in summer.
In other countries the Adrian-type helmets were also in use with the fire-fighting units, railway guards or marine infantry.
A giant fire-fighting unit pulled aside.
It has designed and produced a wide range of superstructure types on truck chassis including fire-fighting units, but its main focus has historically been refuse collection vehicles and related machinery.
Yusuf, one of Abdullah's squires, raced up to Don Felipe, who was just then supervising his own fire-fighting unit.
A fire-fighting unit was organized within the university in 1899.
Sirens began sounding from the distance beyond the temple as the nearest fire-fighting unit was called into action.
In 1887 the Guards form a Fire Brigade Band; with time it became one of the notable parts of the folklore of the fire-fighting units in Poland.
No more than a few irals back along the alleyway, a fire-fighting unit had just extinguished the charred remains of an interurban car.