Its employees were fired at short notice, despite the labor law's requirements.
Indeed, this missile would end up almost never being fired in anger, despite the production of 88,000 of the expensive missiles.
However, in his second season, the team went 4-12 and subsequently, the entire staff was fired despite the positive performance of the defense.
Gailey was fired despite an 18-16 record in two wild-card seasons.
Although all were displeased with the circumstances, Jones was not fired from the film despite reports to the contrary.
According to Raynor, he was fired through a phone call despite his agreement to rehab.
Davis was fired by Providence on March 11, 2011, despite five years remaining on his contract.
The expensive missile ended up almost never being fired in anger, despite a production run of 88,000 units.
The loss meant Hodgson was fired, despite his successful season at the helm.
Before long, Ftorek was fired, despite a winning record with a talented team.