After firefighters doused the flames, it stood in the middle of the road, only slightly charred.
The 6,000 firefighters who remain in the park are dousing hot spots and cleaning up areas affected by the fire and firefighting efforts.
The fire was brought under control around noon, soon after firefighters broke the window of Apartment 2C and doused the flames inside.
As firefighters doused one patch, the winds would carry off sparks and ignite another in the reeds.
A mosque was set on fire today, although firefighters quickly doused the blaze.
The firefighters doused the flames and covered them with foam before they could reach a nearby factory.
While firefighters doused the vehicle with impartial generosity, she reached down and yanked off his helmet.
On Tuesday, March 26, 2013, several downtown streets were blocked as firefighters doused a blaze at the site.
For a time, the fire burned on the east side of the highway, threatening another subdivision, but firefighters doused it quickly and saved those houses.
By afternoon, firefighters were dousing the lingering flames.