In Pembroke Pines, Fla., police officers and firefighters can retire after 20 years with 80 percent of their pay.
Police officers typically retire soon after finishing their 20th year, but firefighters generally do not retire until later in their careers.
At the same time, the department's front-line firefighters are retiring at more than double the usual rate, according to fire officials.
Many officers and firefighters retire young and seek second careers.
A year ago, 40 firefighters might have retired in a typical month.
Although 25 firefighters have retired since that date, only 12 vacancies now exist.
The 1980's were tough for the department, several firefighters retired, and budget cuts forced the closure of several stations.
Police officers and firefighters can retire on half pay after 20 years.
It happens after dinner when the firefighters have retired to their upstairs bunks, when the mayhem of the city is suspended in an odd calm.
Police and firefighters can retire with full benefits after 25 years, and teaching is at least as stressful as that.