It was as if there was a waist-high body of water behind the fireproof door, just waiting to break through.
There's two fireproof doors between me and them.
When those fireproof doors open again you can go out and stand over his dead body.
Once that happened, the fire spread to the prow engine room, slowed only by the fireproof doors.
The hall was equipped with fireproof doors and walls.
Ross House also shows early design responses to the need for fire prevention in multi-storey buildings, such as the sprinkler system and fireproof doors.
The bomb was located to the rear of the stage, behind a heavy, fireproof door.
Instead they changed as little as possible, installing fireproof doors and smoke detectors to meet city codes.
It was a large fireproof door marked with a red '3'.
Smith followed the lieutenant through a maze of corridors that dead-ended at a fireproof door.