To the child Elbryan, this had been the place of wildly exaggerated fireside tales.
Legends for fireside tales and no more.
He was likely to finish with that old fireside tale of his early childhood, the "Golden Arm."
I thought it little more than the late-night fireside tales of drunken men.
Their battle prowess was the stuff of legend, of terrifying fireside tales.
The fireside tales were of the most grisly description, all the ghastlier because of their frightened reticence and cloudy evasiveness.
The old fireside tales are gone, says Jenkins.
The old fireside tales are gone and they must stay gone forever.
I am minded of a fireside tale when I was a girl, about a woman who put saddle and bridle on a lion.
This is no fireside tale, no adventure for a hero out of songs: this is real.