It follows the story of Simeon Runciman who is a firework maker and former dark magician who is caught in up in murder and magic when his enemy reappears.
Our firework makers still manufacture a "little Devil."
His hobby is launching water rockets and is the son of a local firework maker.
It was later uncovered that he was simply the King's firework maker.
At the age of twelve he worked for a firework maker whom he disliked for making false marketing claims and building sub-standard squibs.
It is a comedic story often breaking the fourth wall, that involves a firework maker in medieval Edo and his efforts to build a rocket to carry an alien back to her people on the moon.
Today, the battle is a recreation of the Battle of Puerto Arturo which occurred on 21 January 1906, by a group of local firework makers.
To Lila's surprise, Razvani recognizes her as a firework maker who has brought the Three Gifts, despite Lila being unaware of what the Three Gifts are.
To save his life, Lila and Lalchand must win the upcoming competition for the Firework Festival against other extremely talented firework makers.
He is the son of a firework maker.