It looked rather like a fireworks rocket: two feet long, nearly five inches in diameter.
The protesters retreated, but responded with their own missiles, a shower of fireworks rockets.
They can't signal you back, of course, so for "message acknowledged and understood" they'll send up a firework rocket from Chinatown.
Celebrations begin with a firework rocket set off by a youngster from the Navarrería, who has been given the title of the little mayor.
Strapped to each shirt-sleeve was a thin, eight-inch-long bomb that looked like a fireworks rocket.
The alien ships each took off in a separate direction, exploding like a fireworks rocket in a cone surrounding the Voyager.
The feast of this Virgin is celebrated annually with a parade on the main street with fireworks, rockets and candlelight vigils.
The bullet is fired more like a firework rocket than the kind of projectile you're familiar with, and makes the same sort of hissing noise.
'This is a firework rocket,' he said.
On New Year's Eve 1995-1996, a firework rocket struck the now empty Schlösschen.