She is very happy to see him there, and asks him to look after her flat while she hides from an admirer named Hugo Belfounder, a fireworks manufacturer who now owns a film studio.
Eric and show director Don Dorsey traveled to China, the birthplace of fireworks, to meet with fireworks manufacturers to create these new dazzling effects.
In 1867, a Danish fireworks manufacturer, Gaetano Amici, patented a cannon fired harpoon.
The fireworks off all the pyromusical events are provided by Dragon Fireworks, a local fireworks manufacturer.
St. Barbara is the patroness of artillerymen, fireworks manufacturers, firemen, stonemasons, against sudden death, against fires, and against storms (especially lightning storms).
In France, the problem lay heavy not only upon museum directors but upon mayors, college presidents, theater directors, ministers of state, fireworks manufacturers and chiefs of police.
The vast majority of pyrotechnicians get occasional jobs from one of a handful of fireworks manufacturers.
The first fireworks manufacturer in New Castle was Leopold Fazzoni, who owned and operated the Fazzoni Brothers Fireworks Company.
Which appears to be a copy of the cheap Guy Fawkes masks supplied in coloured egg carton type cardboard by fireworks manufacturers like Brocks and Standard in the 1960s.
Mark Twain was one of those who spoofed the Fourth, especially its commercialization by fireworks manufacturers.