And although the firm recently acknowledged that it was laying off 800 employees, executives close to the firm say the number is likely to be much higher.
And other firms acknowledge that they too could face litigation.
The firms that offer portfolio insurance acknowledged that their strategies had not worked well during the last month.
The firm has previously acknowledged that it expects to face civil charges stemming from an inquiry by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The firm has acknowledged that its bond traders sought to corner that market.
Still, the firm acknowledges that some clients have expressed concerns about its relationship with Enron.
The firm has acknowledged that it is losing business because of adverse publicity, and in particular, will have trouble signing up new clients.
The two firms acknowledge in the document that they pursued the same strategy of developing expertise in select industries.
The firm has acknowledged that its traders tried to corner the market in several government securities.
Mr. Goolsby was one of several employees disciplined in January after the firm acknowledged shredding documents.