Coupled with the recession of 1970-71, the firm contracted greatly in revenues and profitability.
The firm has contracted with leading semiconductor companies worldwide for their handsets and targets mainly the Indian market.
Like other brokerage houses, the firm has contracted significantly since the crash.
Airport security personnel failed to respond, reportedly because of an internal dispute within the Parking Management Company, the firm contracted to run the parking facilities.
The firm he worked for contracted him to eavesdrop on the Aznarans, who were high-ranking ex-Scientologists living in the state of Texas.
Quarry Industries vacated the site in April 1982, other firms then contracted to continue rehabilitation work.
But he resigned following a flood of criticism after his firm contracted to represent tobacco producers.
Back at home, the architectural firm contracted to design the museum turned out to be lackluster, and a second firm went bankrupt.
You yourself know best how difficult and complicated the legal situation is between Parliament and the firms contracted to build the hemicycle.
The firm contracted Astra to build the envelope, while it built the gondola and engines itself.