The firm, which focuses exclusively on software investments, has financed such companies as Powersoft, Arbor, Scopus and Wind River.
Pre-contractual conditions stated that the national state will pay for the whole sum, but the firm in charge of the construction will finance 50%.
Though Merrill has paid his legal bills until now, it is unclear whether the firm will finance an appeal.
Going further, few firms finance their operations entirely with their own money.
Most firms finance their assets using leverage, i.e. a combination of share and bond finance.
The firms often finance their inventories with borrowed money and are generally small in size, often remaining in the same family for generations.
After the war, Cooke became interested in the development of the northwest, and in 1870 his firm financed the construction of the Northern Pacific Railway.
His firm recently financed the latest in a series of studies called "Health Care Employment - a Survey of Early Career Opportunities."
And he said his firm would finance $7.68 million in bonds to finance the housing project in Belle Glade.
This is one of the ways firms finance themselves, that is, they obtain funds from investors in order to engage in business.