His own firm led in introducing several firsts in the electronics field.
After finding no firm leads Jim finds Susan in her car in a state.
More recently, the firm led the $2.6 billion buyout of Warner Music.
The firm led a group that acquired Tops Markets in July 1987 for $200 million.
In stock deals alone, the firm has led 80 transactions with total proceeds of more than $13.5 billion.
The firm led local production figures by the 1870s, but fire destroyed the mill in 1885 and Mueller had to rebuild.
In fact, some minority-owned firms are already leading the way.
Ministers are on record as saying that they expect private firms to lead the economy back to growth.
The hundreds of calls that have come in on the toll-free hot line have not provided any firm leads, he said.
The firm has been leading the industry over the years.