That meant that the stucco was firmly bonded to the bricks and that if it were removed, a badly scarred surface would be revealed.
If it is cracked but the pieces are still firmly bonded to the chimney, or if only a few areas have crumbled, restore the cap by first filling the cracks and damaged places with heat-resistant mortar, and then applying a thin coat of mortar over the entire cap to seal it.
If the chimney cap is extensively cracked, but the pieces are still firmly bonded to the chimney, brush the cap free of loose particles with a wire brush, dampen the surface with water or apply a liquid concrete-bonding agent to it in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Thus, by now, no one is supposed to exist without being firmly bonded to one or other nation, or, in legal terms, State.
We had bonded firmly and I wasn't the only one feeling bereft.