A first-class letter now costs 25 cents to mail, up 3 cents.
"We always tell people Blitzmail's privacy is somewhere between a first-class letter and a postcard."
It looks as if it will cost 30 cents, a nickel more, to mail a first-class letter next year.
When I was a youngster in the 1930's, a first-class letter needed a 3-cent stamp, and this rate lasted for years.
"We have made over 175,000 phone calls directly to the parents, coupled with half a million first-class letters to parents in 10 languages."
"Throwing one at someone is like throwing a first-class letter," he said.
The post office forwards first-class letters sent within a year of a person's move, if a forwarding address has been filed.
Also note that not every first-class letter costs 22 cents.
Yes, and 30 cents for a first-class letter is still a bargain compared with prices in other countries.
Twenty years ago it cost only 3p to post a first-class letter, whereas today it costs 24p - an increase of 800 per cent.