Never has the Los Angeles sounded more like a first-class orchestra than on this evening.
The Musical Times commented, "The boast of the B.B.C. that it intended to get together a first-class orchestra was not an idle one" and spoke of "exhilaration" at the playing.
The first-class orchestra is no mere luxury.
But it is Mr. Levine's work that guarantees that a first-class orchestra will be the result.
"I didn't want a first-class orchestra," he said.
But the Philharmonic, unlike many other first-class orchestras, could easily do without its token state subsidy.
But it is the only "first-class" orchestra in Israel, he said, and he found it necessary to go abroad to widen his studies and career.
But Monday, on the occasion of its 35th anniversary, it was joined by 12 other choruses, a first-class orchestra of freelance professional musicians and eight professional vocal soloists.
I dedicated my life to this orchestra, and it really turned from being a small child into a first-class orchestra.
Survival and Satisfaction Mr. Chung professed guarded satisfaction at his progress in shaping a first-class orchestra at the Bastille, cutting through antiquated union rules and building coherent casts.