Arched windows to a similar design are on each of the other seven walls at first-floor level.
The plane hit the Pentagon at the first-floor level.
The hall is at first-floor level, and was also vaulted, rising to 8.3m high.
At the first-floor level was a small square landing, and there the stairs took a bend towards the back of the house.
The entrance is at first-floor level, leading into a large hall.
There was a wide wooden stage at first-floor level.
The house was mostly demolished to the foundations in 1967, although some walls stand to first-floor level.
Later, the hall reserved for the lord and his high-ranking guests was moved up to the first-floor level.
The vaulted basement contains a well, and the main hall is at first-floor level.
That grand space was covered over at the first-floor level - probably for heat conservation purposes - about 30 years ago.