His book is both an insider's account of his effort to stop the Balkan war and a first-rate piece of diplomatic history.
Both are first-rate pieces of architecture that make most of the city's recent buildings look feloniously compliant.
Among the first-rate pieces here are two very different landscapes by Durand.
The wildlife film may be clumsily, even misleadingly, titled - there are no real mysteries - but it is a first-rate piece of work.
It may be said with truth that in our generation no single first-rate piece of history has enjoyed an appreciable sale.
With the exception of "Connecticut Hills, Norfolk," and a few other paintings, the show feels light on first-rate pieces from the period.
It is a first-rate piece of television journalism.
It might make a first-rate human-interest piece.
Thus, your letter must be a first-rate piece of writing.
He continued: "Of course I want first-rate pieces.