It gave the department's mission statement this way: "To provide prompt and first-rate legal service to Enron on a proactive and cost-effective basis."
After all the individual disputes are settled, the company must be left with enough money to provide first-rate services and modernize its network.
We are hopeful that they will long continue to provide first-rate service for the nation's air travelers.
The first-rate service helped balance out a few shortcomings, particularly our room, in a wing of the main building, which was the only major off note.
Hansen is known for his self-narrated advertisements, where he promises first-rate service, unencumbered by price fixing agreements with the insurance industry.
Britons can afford to like the mail; they have a first-rate postal service.
The population demands more and more - retirement at 50 on full pay, unlimited health care, first-rate social services, protection from poverty, free schooling and universities.
"I wanted the same first-rate professional service at Lasker as at Wollman," he said.
Both the President and the Delmonico and subsequent Pullman sleeping cars offered first-rate service.
It would offer first-rate service for the 1.9 million people who live in the eight southern New Jersey counties.