They also added more first-run syndicated shows such as talk shows, court shows, and reality shows.
The Open Mind is one of the few first-run shows to be seen in commercial and public television at the same time.
He said the networks would eventually begin to develop their own first-run shows for syndication during that hour.
There were 96 syndicated first-run shows on the air at the start of the 1987-88 season, compared with 88 in 1986 and 25 in 1980.
The last first-run show aired on August 1, 2011.
Syndicated first-run shows are usually given to local stations without charge.
WHLL also began running some first-run syndicated shows by 1988, as well as a good amount of religious programming.
Fox ended the weekday cartoon block in 2001 allowing its affiliates to add even more first-run syndicated shows.
The station also added more sitcoms and first-run syndicated shows.
Over the years, more first-run syndicated shows were added to the station's schedule.