A first-time director with a first-time actor can be very problematic.
In the scene with the "Five Families", one of the actors, Paul Faust was the only first-time actor.
In fact, the 24-year-old first-time actor puts on such a performance that audiences are likely to be surprised.
The film is played mainly by first-time actors, the majority of which were still in school at the time and have not pursued acting careers since.
They were pleased that a number of new shows won nominations and that first-time actors took some of the Emmys.
Do chose to work with first-time actors who had all either been refugees or descendants of refugees.
"A first-time actor who is also the producer," he said.
Baenen said that Eastwood was a "patient teacher" of the first-time actors.
Pornwut Sarasin, who portrays the husband Wit, was a first-time actor.
"Most of the characters were first-time actors, high school or college friends of mine," he said.