A lot of the new homeowners in the Hamptons are first-time owners.
From my present vantage point, at the beginning of the third quarter of 1994, I've come to believe that, as a first-time owner, life should be temporarily weird.
The Prep 7 is a nice model for first-time owners as well as proficient users.
Whatever the nomenclature, Mr. Klein, 31, a first-time owner, with two other partners, is off to a pretty good start.
But while most first-time owners come to that status as young adults, the Zaccardos have gotten there in their 60's, and more by accident than design.
Potential purchasers have to be earning between $33,000 and $53,000 and must be first-time owners.
The number of first-time owners is on the rise.
The first-time owner relied on that today, having a good-luck charm flown in from Ireland.
A high level of first-time owners get excited about the idea of wide pictures and buy panoramic.
ALONG with the deed to the new summer home, every real-estate agent should present a manual to every first-time owner of a beach house.