The study found that combined start-up and first-year costs could run $5 million to $23 million a site, depending on the services offered.
They remember that in 1985 they estimated the first-year cost of the new farm policy at $15 billion.
Some $13 million in drug-treatment funds, the city's share of the program's first-year cost, will be in the budget for fiscal 1990.
Either way, the first-year cost is more than $1,300.
He said that this year, there was an additional $900 million in new revenue to pay for the first-year costs of his plan.
Total first-year costs will be nearly $190 million, according to a study by the London School of Economics.
The bill would allow the city to pay the first-year cost of the increase over 17 years.
Estimates of the first-year costs for the new officers range from $7 million to $11 million.
Estimates of the first-year cost remain fuzzy, ranging from $1 billion to more than $7 billion.
Commitments to current patients will put the total first-year cost for uncompensated care at $5 million.