At the time, it was the earliest firing of a first-year manager in 65 years.
"The fans are wonderful," said Pierre Page, the first-year general manager.
As a first-year general manager, he made 16 trades, most of them good.
"I'm disappointed that the record is not better," said Al Bianchi, the team's first-year general manager.
As one general manager who spoke on the condition of anonymity said: "Brian was a first-year manager.
A first-year general manager, Lacroix is a former player agent.
Dallas Green, the first-year manager, lamented the shortcomings of his team in the spring, then watched it fail early.
"We need to play better on the road," said Buddy Bell, who as the first-year manager is one of many new members with the club.
Not so, said Shapiro, a first-year general manager.
Perhaps the Yankees' principal owner had to show his first-year general manager who was boss.