A first-year teacher, she still believed that she thought all children were good.
The 2001 survey of 4,618 teachers found that first-year teachers spent even more, about $700.
The most important single influence is experience: first-year teachers are much less effective than others.
For first-year teachers, the pressure is almost unbearable, administrators say.
He is paid the city's standard salary for a first-year teacher, $26,000, and has three years to receive his certification.
The students knew I was a first-year teacher, and they tested my limits.
She had the horrible experience of having me as a first-year teacher.
As a first-year teacher, I am paid $37,000 to teach 130 students.
It's not that easy in today's public schools, new first-year teachers say.
The annual pay for a first-year teacher grew from $11,000 to $15,200.