His firsthand testimony was extremely effective in eliciting sympathy and understanding for the cause of unrestricted Jewish refugee immigration to Palestine.
Mr. Gigante is not heard on any of the tapes - just as he has not been linked to the crimes charged by firsthand testimony.
And we are able to give firsthand testimony as to its effectiveness as I'm sure you now can, as well.
One of Mr. Laufer's clients offered firsthand testimony of such frustrations.
"I've seen people in their 70's, who despite firsthand testimony of what happened, maintain a kind of magical idea that maybe a relative survived."
These charges, compiled by lawyers who heard extensive firsthand testimony, deserve a serious response from Turkish authorities.
With no physical evidence or firsthand testimony linking the accused to the bombing, the outcome of the trial is in doubt.
"Anthony Williams is the only eyewitness and he provided the jury with firsthand testimony," Mr. Grady said.
Keep in mind that Paul personally affirms that Jesus appeared to him as well, so this provides firsthand testimony.
But the firsthand testimony he brings of the misery that is an endless resource for Al Qaeda will be hard to shake from the memory.