To reduce the fiscal shortfall, the primary focus should be on reducing spending growth, especially entitlement spending.
This consolidation was mainly a result of a downturn in enrollments and fiscal shortfalls at the time.
About 44 percent of the government's fiscal shortfall was financed through cash from foreign sources.
Despite the initial fiscal shortfall, the Games ended up with a surplus of $100 million.
The Congressional Budget Office said robust economic growth would reduce the fiscal 1989 shortfall to $148 billion.
He has vowed to solve the fiscal shortfall without tax increases or layoffs, through deep budget cuts and attrition.
Once the word got out about the fiscal shortfall, Southasia was doomed.
This amount, during a time of fiscal shortfall for the city, has come under public criticism from numerous sources [5].
A supplementary budget was delivered in April 2009 to address a fiscal shortfall of over €4.5 billion.
The crisis reshaped French strategy, forcing commanders to redraft plans to fit the dictates of fiscal shortfalls.