Mr. Mills likes to talk about his fiscal stewardship of Wallkill, and he says that the town's bond rating improved under his watch.
And if we're going to base this on the fiscal stewardship of Texas compared to the lack of Al Gore's credibility, we relish the fight.
Some people also say it raises new questions about Mr. Pataki's fiscal stewardship of the state.
Mr. Dinkins, his fiscal stewardship under fire for months, won only half the increase in property taxes he sought, but a third more than the Council wanted.
Mr. Horton added that mayors commonly respond negatively to criticism of their fiscal stewardship.
"This is Wall Street's analysis of my fiscal stewardship."
This hardly passes for sound fiscal stewardship.
As a result of his fiscal stewardship, Moody's Investors Service upgraded the city's bond rating.
I owe it to the taxpayers of District 11 to continue to fight for good fiscal stewardship from all Federal Departments and Agencies.
I voted against both measures, as they do not reflect good fiscal stewardship, the common good,...