Mr. Kennedy didn't join in the show of fiscal strength today, but has repeatedly said that he doesn't intend to try to raise much money.
Capella is required to monitor and evaluate the school's fiscal strength as well as the students' performance.
The group endured sharp program cuts to wipe out its deficit and has yet to return to full fiscal strength.
Mr. McGreevey defends his record by pointing to the town's current fiscal strength.
INDEED, the nation now confronts its needs - economic, social, military - from a position of remarkable fiscal strength.
Spain, also, despite its relative fiscal strength, just paid a crippling 6.9pc on 10-year money.
And market rates now - as well as general confidence - can be significantly influenced by expectations about our longer-term fiscal strength.
Putting fairness and morality aside, it should be heavily influenced, and regularly run, by well-qualified nationals of the countries with the most fiscal strength.
The first is the market capitalization, which provides some sense of how the financial community views both a company's current fiscal strength and its potential for future growth.
The unavoidable truth is that Germany, practically the only large Western economy with genuine fiscal strength, is in command of the eurozone.