Even Republicans can't argue against a fiscally sound fling.
The plan for the pool is extremely thorough, fiscally sound and well thought out.
All of this is independent of the question of how best to use the surplus available on a fiscally sound basis.
"We are running a fiscally sound government."
He says that she has no vision for a fiscally sound future and that she drives foreign cars, a death charge in this district.
These supporters grew into the Federalist Party committed to a fiscally sound and nationalistic government.
This initiative would be a great way to create jobs and help people struggling to make ends meet in a fiscally sound manner.
The challenge is to maintain a fiscally sound school and be an academic and personal presence as well.
"But we want to make sure we're on a fiscally sound basis first," he said.
"Adelphi is a fiscally sound institution and its trustees are not derelict."