The group's members are "joined by a shared commitment to pursue pragmatic, fiscally sustainable policies across a range of issues, such as deficit containment, healthcare reform, the housing crisis, educational reform, energy policy and climate change."
In a speech on 6 April 2009, then Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announced that the program would shift to a five-year building program so as to place it on a "more fiscally sustainable path".
And the Administration knows that more will need to be done to restore the nation to a fiscally sustainable path.
This plan establishes the goals and framework necessary to balance the budget and get our country on a fiscally sustainable path.
A fiscal reform commission should be established to force Congress' hand in making the tough decisions necessary to put the country back on a fiscally sustainable path.
Congressman Flake believes that current federal agriculture policy distorts markets, hampers free trade agreements, and is not fiscally sustainable.
The chairman, Representative Bill Thomas, Republican of California, said House and Senate negotiators were devising such a mechanism to ensure that the program was fiscally sustainable.
A House Republican said Mr. Thomas believed that the proposal did not do enough to make Medicare fiscally sustainable.
Create a fiscally sustainable health care system that dramatically cuts health care costs providing for greater access for legal citizens.
This budget alternative would have placed our nation on a fiscally sustainable path by establishing tough budget enforcement mechanisms and setting realistic spending priorities.