This peaceful green-gold fish is often used in community tanks by fish keeping hobbyists.
Nano reefs have become quite popular in recent years among fish keeping hobbyists, primarily because of their smaller size, maintainability, and the possibility of lower costs.
The common hatchetfish is the most popular member among fish keeping hobbyists.
Many fish hobbyists also divide the types of saltwater tanks based on the water temperatures at which they are kept.
Methylene blue is used in aquaculture and by tropical fish hobbyists as a treatment for fungal infections.
Between the two, thousands of fish hobbyists join message boards for moral support and immediate do-it-yourself help during fish crises.
As an avid fish hobbyist, he decided upon the zebra fish, purchasing his first experimental animal from a pet store.
The checker barb has commercial importance in the aquarium trade industry; this peaceful fish is sometimes used in community tanks by fish keeping hobbyists.
Originating in northern Myanmar, this fish is sometimes found in community tanks by fish keeping hobbyists.
First developed in Malaysia, Thailand, and Taiwan, they are now kept by fish hobbyists worldwide.