Some intrepid fish lover broke the taboo, and it was eventually recognized as one of the more delicious creatures in the sea.
For fish lovers, anguilla (eel) is an adventurous choice.
For fish lovers, there's a nicely cooked wild salmon served in a light broth with tomatoes and asparagus.
It was one of the first resources for sustainable seafood information together with the Audubon Society's What is a fish lover to eat?
Minimalist fish lovers will be in heaven: seafood is everywhere, fresh and simply prepared.
Grilled swordfish, moist and lightly cooked, is the recommended haven for fish lovers.
Both of these birds are voracious predators, which has upset pigeon fanciers and fish lovers.
Mr. Bawer must not be a fish lover.
For the fish lover who isn't a professional, the only assurance of consistent quality is to buy from a reliable market.
For fish lovers, a special of striped bass with a sideboat of olive oil and garlic is simple perfection.