Most diners, in big restaurants and tiny fish shacks, are oblivious to those issues.
Dining out usually meant pizza parlors, fish shacks and pancake houses.
I asked them if they had seen Rancid go by in the fish shack.
The state began burning the fish shacks in the mid-1980s until locals began to advocate for the preservation of the structures.
Then there were only the ski marks made by the sled and an occasional board or piece of tin from the fish shack.
Opera plays from a small fish shack where a hooded man in a parka sits.
What Rockfish has that I've never encountered at a fish shack is talent in the kitchen.
This is a dead-on rendition of a casual fish shack.
The dish was done in minutes, and the kitchen smelled like a fish shack during a busy breakfast shift.
A few fancier dining spots abound, though if you're with kids, the fish shacks may be a better bet.