There are fisheries regulations and co-management programs to protect the fish resource.
In the fishing industry, a logbook is used to record catch data as part of the fisheries regulations.
A mixed approach that uses traditional fisheries regulations, market incentives, informed consumers and comprehensive ocean zoning - not just closed areas - is needed.
The Board of Fisheries meets four to six times per year in communities around the state to consider proposed changes to fisheries regulations around the state.
I have always emphasised the need for fisheries regulations to be properly enforced throughout the EC.
Ultimately, it is up to the Member States to put in place the legislation to transpose properly the ideology behind the fisheries regulations and directives.
I cannot overstate how important this is in terms of a regime shift and an alignment of fisheries regulation with many other maritime activities.
It believes that fishermen's support for fisheries regulations will improve by involving the local fishery organisations in the decision-making process.
A small part of the Jurien Bay Marine Park has been allocated as a sanctuary and is subject to fisheries regulations.
These studies also guide fisheries regulations, with a theoretical maximum yield achieved when fish are only taken once they reach 18 cm.