However, two fishermen mistake the seal for a woman, and haul Doctor Dolittle off to court for murder.
One day, perhaps, long after I am drowned and consumed by fish, a fisherman may haul aboard a catch that will find its way to her table.
As the old fisherman hauled the dragon out of the water, Dr. X suddenly got it, and grinned appreciatively.
Naked children called back and forth in their games, and fishermen hauled their canoes onto the beach.
When the net was tugged upon by the fish, the fisherman would haul in the float line with the pulley to remove the catch.
Around 1.050 million fishermen haul an annual catch of 668,000 tonnes as of 1999-2000 estimate; 222 fishing villages are strung along the 590 km coast.
An hour's broiling trek was rewarded with cold beers and great squid and chips that we munched as we watched fishermen haul in their catch.
Niemeyer would wake up early to watch the fishermen haul in their catch.
So D'Artagnan saw the fishermen haul their barks to meet the tide with a windlass.
Using blue nets strung with bright orange buoys, the fishermen haul in tuna, kingfish and daurade (dolphin, or mahi-mahi).