The next year, more fishermen tried selling fresh Copper River salmon.
He could barely see the movements as the fishermen tried to beat the attackers away with their oars.
Even though fishermen try only to target specific species, it is impossible for the catch to consist 100% of the selected fish.
Here and there native fishermen were trying their luck with the rainbow trout stocked by specialists from the United States almost 50 years ago.
Facing him, the fisherman tried to smile.
As consumer demand for fish has increased, fishermen have tried to keep up with demand, despite warnings that stocks were being severely reduced.
But recreational fisherman are trying to give the struggle a new twist by bringing fresh allies, like environmentalists, into the fray.
Out on the rocks, fishermen tried their hand at luring stripers.
Just as many fishermen tried to avail themselves of these measures, they were hit with the fallout from the global recession.
Gone are several types of mayflies that fishermen tried to imitate with lures.