Development of fishery production is directed to improving the welfare of fishermen through increased production and productivity of business-oriented agribusiness.
At his press conference, Mr. Gain acknowledged that effects on the Kingdom's fishery production would probably be felt "for many years to come."
The total fishery production of 133 million tonnes equated to an average productivity of 3.5 tonnes per person.
Increases in native waterfowl, livestock grazing, rice cultivation, and fishery production have also been linked to small floods.
The town's economy is mainly based on betel nut, rubber, fishery production, and trade.
The gulf is home to 480 fish species, and annual fishery production in 2004 amounted to some 20,000 MT, making Lagonoy Gulf a major fishing ground in the Philippines.
Firstly, fishery production and the conservation of marine life and resources are two sides of the same coin.
The need has been felt to create a framework favouring the development of investment in this sector and to optimise small-scale fishery production.
Nut and oak trees would be planted on newly acquired land, and introducing some trout species into the remainder of the lake would increase fishery production tenfold.
For most of them, reducing poverty and hunger will depend centrally on their ability to sustain and increase crop, livestock, forest, and fishery production.