The town itself was a huddle of warehouses, fishing shacks and small houses.
He walked over to a bench by a fishing shack and sat down, hunched up against the night air.
One guy was drunk - ran into a fishing shack at 100 miles an hour.
Beginning about 2003 with only two fishing shacks set up at each end of the territory, the community has expanded its tobacco sales.
Still, having felt solid ground under their feet, they were less than eager to admit defeat and go back to the fishing shack.
During colonial times, fishermen would build fishing shacks along its banks.
Next door is a small fishing shack built with packing crates that still line the interior.
That is exactly what Rancid did in regard to the fishing shack.
One year, however, we built ourselves a luxurious fishing shack.
The second winter of their project they spent in a nearby fishing shack that had no insulation and was once hit with lightning.