This caused the final car to fishtail wildly, disengaging the lap bars as it collided with support structures, thereby throwing off passengers and losing speed.
He punched it, and the car fishtailed wildly as he headed toward the southbound entrance to the Hollywood Freeway.
The tires howled as the taxi leapt forward, fishtailing wildly and sending the gathering crowd diving for cover.
The jeep fishtailed wildly before grinding to a halt in the center of the street.
The vehicle fishtailed wildly before Pendergast regained control.
I saw the pickup swerve and almost go off the road, its rear end wildly fishtailing, but then Dad got it righted.
Both fishtailed wildly on the water, sending a wall of spray flying into the air--and losing all of their forward momentum in an instant.
It came on to meet him, fishtailing wildly.
Jake pushed the truck for all the speed it could muster, though the back fishtailed wildly in the wet snow.