At each call, their fists punched the air in unison.
It was as if a fist had punched her very hard in the stomach.
But before she could reach him his fist shot out and punched her hard in the stomach.
And then he was suddenly silent, as though a huge fist had punched him in the mouth.
His fist shot out and punched Dana in the jaw.
The senior editor, her little fists punching in the air, couldn't get over how much she loved this wonderful book.
She saw the little hardline woman among them, her fist punching the air.
He headed the ball as if with his fist, punching it into the net from three yards for a 1-0 lead.
Bolan's left fist punched the guard in the side of the head, just above the right eye.
Eyes glazed, fists punching the air, they weren't looking at the pitch.