At that time, American sailors often engaged in sparring matches on board their ships, with their fists wrapped in thin leather.
Mikio Komoto sat with his white fists still wrapped around the chain of the manrikigusari.
It was the kind of odor that hit you dead center of the face, like a fist wrapped in a sweaty jock strap.
The last thing Le'lorinel saw was the approach of the other two, one of them with its huge fists wrapped in chains.
I breathed deeply through my nose, fists wrapped in my apron.
He was running off some sort of three-page newsletter under a clenched fist wrapped in barbed wire masthead.
But Kowalski still had a fist wrapped in the hood of Matt's sweatshirt, holding him from a plunge into the waters below.
Ben still had his fist wrapped in his collar.
In the dim light, her fist, wrapped in a handkerchief, became a materialized spirit.
Flipping off the CAR-15's safety, he swung the rifle up, his right fist wrapped on the pistol grip.