Dana was a serious athlete, very fit, and beautiful with pretty blonde hair.
Yet, it is not universally believed that lowering the weight and percentage of body fat of fit athletes will enhance their performance, said Thompson.
The same thing can happen to an extremely fit athlete.
Even common heart disease, such as atherosclerosis - hardening of the arteries - can be hard to diagnose in a fit athlete.
Each shift, miners cut away several metres of earth at a rate that the fittest athlete could not match.
A fit athlete, he collapsed from exhaustion after a tireless effort in game one of 1993.
The fittest athlete is not going to win; it's going to be the person who runs smart and holds himself back.
A fit athlete could pass a stress test despite having arteries that are larded with plaque.
Many of the passengers on the inbound flights were young, fit athletes.
Eight months later, his financially fit athletes are in the Stanley Cup finals.