These are typically ridden by very fit individuals on mild to moderate cross country terrain.
Studies show that the use of ephedra to enhance physical performance appears to be consistently effective for a modest improvement in already fit individuals.
Research shows that the least fit individuals gain the greatest benefits when they improve their fitness levels.
Update population genotype (probability vector) based on fittest individual.
Because of the side effects, this treatment programme has been used only in young, fit individuals with locally advanced disease.
Clinical trials continue with the aim of improving the prognosis for selected groups of medically fit individuals.
This fact contradicted natural selection which favored the fittest individual.
Conversely, delirium may only result in a fit individual if they suffer serious or multiple precipitating factors.
But even perfectly healthy, lean and fit individuals can succumb to heat.
But what kind of virus only knocks off the most fit individuals in their country?