On entering the examining room, Kaminiskiy found a fit-looking man in his early thirties.
That Schultz, a balding, fit-looking man, will directly confront these and other problems is a given, at least in his own mind.
BJ knocked on the door, which was answered by a small, lean, fit-looking man in his mid-50s.
A fit-looking man had the conn under the main screen.
The face of a fit-looking middle-aged man formed over the vid-plate.
He is a strong, well-muscled, fit-looking man who wears blue jeans and a big cowboy hat.
Fadeout was older, taller, a fit-looking man in an expensive-looking suit.
Poor old Mr Davidson had died, and him such a fit-looking man usually.
It showed a fit-looking man in military uniform.
Mr. Goldfarb, a fit-looking 73-year-old man with an energy level of someone 40 years younger, is now semi-retired after a career in the apparel industry.