Her last book, fittingly called Autumn Leaves, was issued in 1898, and contained matter contributed not long before to The Catholic World.
So a block and a half, fittingly called Little League Place, was ceded to Board 10.
Mr. Souveroff is an actor whose roles include that of the heavy in a 2001 film fittingly called "Mergers and Acquisitions."
Four National Football League playoff teams today and tomorrow are in what are fittingly called wild-card games.
In January 2006, three floors opened as a restaurant and music venue, fittingly called The Depot.
This moment was fittingly called tape out though it is not the original root of the term.
This change the holy Catholic Church has fittingly and properly called transubstantiation.
-Antoine, a casual, Parisian-to-the-core wine bar fittingly called Le Passage.
It seems that this underground (literally) venue beneath Tour Montparnasse, fittingly called l'enfer (hell) in a previous life, will never perish.
The squadron left Le Havre the next morning in French box cars fittingly called by the men "side door Pullmans".