The police cordoned off a five-block area and the City Hall plaza, across the street and said some streets might have to be closed indefinitely.
The area surveyed included a five-block area between 4 and 9 streets and 6 and 7 Avenues.
By 5 A.M., police had cordoned off a five-block area near 13th Street.
She was very aware of Jebel as he roamed restlessly up and down the five-block area.
The original bakery and the restaurants are within a five-block area on the Upper East Side.
Last night in downtown Detroit, every commercial establishment in a five-block area was looted then burned.
At last the scene shifted; we saw the rubble of a five-block area in Brooklyn that had been allowed to burn by absent-minded firemen.
By the end of the 1920s, the street level had been raised by one and a half stories, and a five-block area was completely covered up.
The shops deliver orders that total $6 or more within a five-block area.
The church solicited recommendations from members and from residents of a five-block area.