He finished the last five miles of a five-day, 125-mile run - on a challenge from the woman he loved at the time - with a ruptured kidney.
On the opening night of a five-day run this month in Schaumburg, about 100 children and their parents climbed up the bleachers.
The fair, open only to retailers, will end its five-day run at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center this afternoon.
After his five-day run, Vered returned for the 1992 Jeopardy!
He was describing the 11-year-old Hamptons International Film Festival, which concluded its five-day run on Sunday.
She was 800 kilometres away in Mycenae, a two-day journey by horse or a five-day run.
The nationals opened a five-day run today with the first five events of the decathlon and the first four of the heptathlon.
Rome's lawmakers had taken the day off for the first battles of the five-day run.
On his first five-day run, the team won $44,100, of which Uston's share was $2,100.
The fair at the Seventh Regiment Armory is to open today in previews and tomorrow to the public for a five-day run.