Five militants, two civilians and two soldiers were killed during a five-hour battle, Indian authorities said.
They made their way toward the coast but were spotted by a group of 50 soldiers, beginning an intense five-hour battle.
After the five-hour battle, the insurgents escaped across the border into Pakistan.
Though accurate the artillery barrage was ineffective throughout the five-hour battle because of the distance at which they were being fired from.
The police said 5 people were killed and 10 were wounded in the five-hour battle.
The Americans suffered only five wounded during a five-hour battle.
During the five-hour battle, one of the Brooklyns guns became jammed.
Blake then fired a broadside in anger and a five-hour battle ensued.
Finally, by 19:00 B Company was able break contact and withdrew after a five-hour battle.
After a five-hour battle, the military finally won control of the bridge at dawn by driving armored cars through the angry crowd.